Sickbay MediCodes

Code White
Description: Emergency Resuscitation

Actions: Duty Sickbay Officer (normally Shift Leader) prepares a free biobed with cardio-stimulators, activating its stasis field and authorising an emergency medical transport direct to the bed. In the event a biobed cannot be made available, DSO prepares a litter, portable cardio-stimulators and 10ccs of Hypercryonin ("Suspend"), and authorises an emergency medical transport to Main Sickbay.

Who Can Declare: Any individual onboard-ship may call a Code White.

Example: Might be called in the event of an Engineering crewman being critically injured while performing maintenance on a power conduit manifold.

Code White-Alpha
Description: Emergency Resuscitation (Non-Transportable)

Actions: DSO prepares a porta-litter, portable cardio-stimulators and 10ccs of Hypercryonin ("Suspend"). DSO and one Nurse, depending on convenience, are transported or walk to the site where the patient is located.

Who Can Declare: Any individual onboard-ship may call a Code White-Alpha.

Example: Might be called in the event of a Teleport-Sensitive Trill being critically injured while onboard-ship.

Code Yellow
Description: Multiple Critical Injuries

Actions: DSO is authorised to press the Panic Button at her discretion, to summon all medical shifts to duty. DSO is authorised to open the Emergency Treatment Centre cleanroom at her discretion. DSO will authorise multiple emergency medical transports and prepare facilities according to types of injuries reported.

Who Can Declare: Any individual onboard-ship may call a Code Yellow.

Example: Might be called in the event of a shipboard explosion.

Code Yellow-Alpha
Description: Multiple Critical Injuries (Non-Transportable)

Actions: DSO will press the Panic Button at her discretion, to summon all medical shifts to duty. DSO is authorised to open the Emergency Treatment Centre cleanroom at her discretion. DSO will lead a medical team to the wounded, with appropriate equipment, and either provide treatment onsite or manually transport them to the nearest treatment facility.

Who Can Declare: Any individual onboard-ship may call a Code Yellow-Alpha.

Example: Might be called in the event of a ship-board explosion in the transporter power relays.

Code Red
Description: Shipwide Medical Alert

Actions: DSO is required to press the Panic Button, and summon the CMO. CMO liaises with the Operations and despatches medical teams to triage centres and minor Sickbays located throughout the ship. All staff registered as having medical training - specifically First-Aiders from other departments - are issued with small emergency medical kits as a precautionary measure. While in a state of Code Red, Sickbay updates the Bridge at five-minutely intervals on casualty figures.

Who Can Declare: Duty Sickbay Officer, or Chief Medical Officer, or Acting equivalent, or Non-Medical Commissioned Officer ranked Lt Cmdr or higher

Example: Might be called in the event of sabotage causing multiple systems throughout the ship to overload, requiring medical personnel to be dispersed to handle treatment.

Note: Code Red is automatically triggered when the ship is taken to Red Alert.

Code Blue
Description: Localised Bio Hazard Containment Alert

Actions: DSO informs Operations of the threat of BioHaz Contamination, and the location reported. Area forcefields are instantly erected, isolating the room from the remainder of the ship. Air drawn from that room into the recycling system over the past ten minutes (cycle-time for recyclers) is isolated and vented, and the local recycling systems themselves are isolated using forcefields. Transport of anything to or from the affected area is prohibited without authorisation from the Captain or Chief Medical Officer, or their Acting equivalents.

Who Can Declare: Duty Sickbay Officer, or Medical Commissioned Officer ranked LT or higher, or Medical NCO ranked Petty Officer First Class or higher, or Non-Medical Commissioned Officer ranked Lt Cmdr or higher, or Non-Medical NCO ranked CPO or higher

Example: Might be called in the event of a shuttlecraft docking with the ship, having no discernable lifesigns, and having its hatch opened before Medical have an opportunity to analyse it.

Note: Code Blue can only be rescinded by the Captain, or Chief Medical Officer, or their Acting equivalents.

Code Grey
Description: Uncontrollable Contagion; Vessel Quarantine

Actions: DSO is required to press the Panic Button. DSO is required to liaise with Operations and lock out all Transporter Systems and seal all Shuttlebays. All external communications are closed down save for priority Command channels. Non-essential personnel are required to observe strict curfew. Security patrols are increased. In the event of treatable symptoms to the contagion, DSO is authorised to open the ETC cleanroom to function as a clinic, accessible during non-curfew hours.

Who Can Declare: Chief Medical Officer, or Acting equivalent

Example: Might be called in the event of the ship's crew contracting a disease that slips through the other containment procedures.

Note: Code Grey can only be rescinded by the collective authorisation of the Captain, Chief Medical Officer AND Executive Officer, or Acting equivalents.

Code Black
Description: Medical Unfitness for Duty of a Serving Officer

Actions: Duty Sickbay Officer is required to command an emergency transport of the Officer in question to the Security Isolab [Ed: in Isannah's case, Iso 1]. A forcefield should be erected to contain the officer until Security Personnel can be despatched, or until the medical condition is resolved. This can apply to officers of any commissioned or non-commissioned rank up to and including that of the Flag.

Who Can Declare: Code Black can only be rescinded by the Chief Medical Officer, or Acting equivalent, or two Command Rank Officers.

Example: Might be called if the Ship's Executive Officer's judgement is being impaired by exhaustion, and he refuses to be relieved of duty to get bedrest.

Note: Only to be used if the Officer refuses to be relieved. Code Black can only be rescinded by the Chief Medical officer, or Acting equivalent.

Be aware that abuse of MediCodes onboard a Federation Starship is a crime under Federation Law. All MediCode uses are logged automatically by shipboard computer, and are investigated by the Security Department after the fact to ensure they have been used lawfully.

Written By: Buck Gear's Player
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