The USS Isannah uses the Galaxy Refit Bridge Module, this is possible due to the Nebula's nature of being a compacted Galaxy Class with mostly the same parts and based on the same technology. The refit bridge model offers several additional features, bringing six additional stations to the bridge and allowing for a wider degree of flexibility in bridge station templates for use on various missions. Due to the flexible nature of the Nebula, even with reference to the changes in specifications it can undergo by switching podds, this flexibility in bridge layout is essential for the efficient operation of the ship.

In the very center of the bridge are the command seats. This includes at the very center, is the Captain's chair. It is padded beige, like most of the other chairs on the bridge and features a full back with small interface extensions on the end of each armrest. To the right is the Executive Officer's chair, and next to him is a swivel-able interface allowing the Exec information access (more than actual control over any particular system). To the left of the Captain is a seat for any other officer (or specialist) who for some reason need to be present but does not require a console. Some examples of this could be the Chief Medical Officer, Counselor, Mission Specialist, or others. Should those three seats not suffice, there are two other half seats located on each edge of the command center.

Directly in front of the command center, are two stations, mirror images of each other. The starboard one is the Ops station, and the port is the Conn. They both feature the same padded beige chairs. Their consoles are anchored into the floor beside the chair, and have a small access port with isolinar chips beneath, presumably for manually reconfiguring the console. The console itself is connected to the side support and hangs across the user's lap, and pushes away to allow for easy moving to and from the station.

There are five stations on the back wall behind the Command Center. Their seats push into the wall beneath each console, allowing an orderly appearance when not in use. From Starboard to Port, they are as follows: Science I, Science II, Science III, Environmental, and Emergency Systems. One other major departure for how the Isannah bridge is set up, the Tactical station is no longer located along the wooden rail behind the Command Center. The former tactical station now is nothing more than a more extensive information retrieval interface, and is rarely used.

The major change from the Galaxy Bridge and the Galaxy Refit Bridge is the additional consoles. These are installed, three on a side, along the two sides of the bridge. The starboard collection is dedicated to Tactical and security. The Tactical Station is forward-facing, with an Auxiliary Tactical station right next to it, and a Security Station behind that one. On the port side, another three consoles exist in the mirror of the first set. These are Mission Operations (forward facing), Engineering, and a Specialty station which has a variety of layout and system templates for various tasks.

In regards to color scheme, the bridge is mostly beige, with blue carpeting edged with red around the command area and a strip along the edges of the room. Color choices for various consoles predominantly are light shades of blue, green, and gold. The lights are generally overhead, white-light emitting panels set into the ceiling. There are some accent lights along the front of the command center and Conn and Ops stations. There are also some blue running lights along sharp edges to indicate where the ramp separates from the port and starboard console alcoves to lead down to the Command Center and Conn and Ops stations.

Detailed Bridge Station Descriptions
Short for Operations, this station is responsible for handling the myriad of routing needs for the bridge with relation to the rest of the ship. It formally handles communications, relaying orders to transporter rooms or shuttlebays, and deals with conflicting requirements for the same systems --- for example, sensor bandwidth being required by different stations at the same time. This station handles the facilitation of information flow to and from the bridge, including issuing orders to emergency response teams of various types (medical, engineering, security), and the management of finite ship resources to best advantage. Note that the person manning the Operations station may not be the Chief Operations Officer at any time, as those who man both the Conn and Ops stations fall under the realm of the single Operations department. The internal structure of that department determines the duty roster for bridge shifts.

Also known as the Helm. Put most basically, this is the place where the ship is piloted. All three methods of propulsion are handled from this station: warp drive, impulse, and thrusters. In addition, all combat maneuvers are carried out by the Conn Officer, coordinating attacks with the Tactical Officer. In times of low activity, some of the duties relegated to the Operations station can be transferred over to the Conn and vice versa.

The Tactical Officer is responsible for controlling all defensive and offensive systems of the ship. Shields, phasers, torpedoes, are all under this officer's control. The officer manning this station has to work closely with the helm to accomplish offensive and defensive tactics. The Tactical Officer has to be alert at all times, because there's always a risk of a potentially lethal situation developing. Formerly that was the justification for requiring the standing station behind the Command Center, but that idealism has been relaxed in recent days allowing the poor Tactical Officers some relief from back strain. Thus the Isannah has a Tactical Station with a chair. In the absence of a security officer manning the Security Station, the Tactical officer will report on security issues, and take over those general duties. In times of high activity such as a battle occurring and the ship being boarded, it is required that both officers be present to divide the potential workload.

Auxiliary Tactical
The Auxiliary Tactical station would come into use only rarely. There are two cases in which it would most likely be used --- if the main Tactical Station was damaged, and if the Isannah was part of some larger engagement. In the case of a fleet of ships all engaging in a combat situation, a second Tactical Officer would be on duty, but the job undertaken would be that of coordination, handling the transmittal and receiving of various information, and clarifying the details of combat maneuvers with the other ships. In this capacity, the officer manning the Auxiliary Tactical Station would be issuing specific orders to both the Conn and the Tactical stations.

Since Tactical is a subsection of the Security department, this station does not see a lot of use. One of the main uses it would see is issuing security response teams, coordinating personnel and issuing deck evacuation orders in response to hazardous situations (personnel or otherwise). The officer manning the Security Station also has access to internal sensors in order to carry out these duties. In the absence of an officer manning the Security Station, the duties are shunted to the Tactical Station.

Mission Operations
This station is generally configured with information regarding the current mission, including parameters, official orders, pertinent personnel, historical background, and any analyses which could be helpful. In the case of a Mission Specialist being assigned for the duration of the mission, he or she would take this bridge position and supplement the Captain's resources with his or her information and experience. In the absence of a Mission Specialist, often the secondary command officer might take this position to obtain additional information about a situation.

Another station which is used only seldom. Should the situation require, general engineering control can be routed to the bridge, however, if a higher amount of communication between the bridge and engineering is required, it would be prudent for the Chief Engineering Officer (or highest ranking on-duty officer) stay in Engineering and send a lower-ranking member to the bridge to facilitate communication between the different parts of the ship. Instant information on the readiness and status of various ship's systems is displayed at this station. The most prominent interface is that of the energy flow charts, allowing the instant access to all power generation systems as well as ability to reroute power to more essential systems in a heartbeat.

The available station. This station is not relegated towards any particular aim or purpose. As default, it's a library access console without direct access to controlling any ship's systems. It contains the templates for an adapted layout for every other station on the bridge, in the case of any other station being destroyed, the functionality can be shunted to this console. There are various other templates pre-programmed, mostly aimed towards diplomatic, medical, science, and engineering specialty missions. Most of the time there will not be anyone manning this station.

Science I, II, III
Science stations have little requirement for response readiness, which is one of the main reasons they are tucked at the back of the bridge. Generally these are the stations at which analysis of various forms of information are done between the tense moments on the bridge. The general layout of the consoles varies a lot depending on what the last task was to be completed at them, or what dictations mission parameters could have on it. In general, station I handles sensors, everything from recording the information the sensors are outputting, configuring and running diagnostics on various sensor bandwidths, to running preliminary pattern matches. Station II is generally configured for detailed analysis of different types, not only off of sensor readings, either. Station III is configured for library access and database searches, and as a default has access to the complete computer library of the Isannah and full access to contact nearby Starbases for information uplink on anything the Isannah's core doesn't already contain.

This station has emergency access to all environmental controls --- most prominently the bridge's systems. The Environment Station is normally manned during times of crisis by one of the standby bridge officers, but can be accessed by any bridge officer. Most notably this station is used to restore atmosphere in the event of decompression on the ship. While it might sound like this is an unnecessary use of bridge space, practical considerations have shown it to be otherwise.

Emergency Systems
Instant access to emergency systems, either to manually engage or disengage them are often useful in a crisis. Normally the station is not manned, but rather utilized in a crisis. If it does have a bridge officer manning the station, it's one of the standby officers for the shift. Normally not a station that one wants to man as a matter of course since there's nothing to do at it. The presence of this station on the back of the bridge is meant to facilitate efficient handling of emergency situations, and this station generally works with security and engineering for the efficient resolution of an internal crisis situation.

Some of the duties of various bridge stations seem to overlap. This is not a contradiction but is done on purpose to ensure these activities always have someone to carry them out. When a conflict occurs between duty stations, the specialist in the area has the senior say. For example, if the Ops station issues a security response team to a certain deck and location, the security officer can countermand that order and redirect them. But it is expected that the Ops officer (and indeed, all bridge officers) also be alert enough to note what other duty stations are filled at all times to avoid issuing conflicting orders.

Bridge Notes

Ready Room

Observation Lounge

The Head

Emergency Medkits

Minimal Personnel for Bridge Shifts

Bridge Operations while Docked

When Consoles Explode

Auxiliary Bridge

Written By: Jesa Callen's Player.

The USS Isannah is a SIM ship that is based on Star Trek which was created by Gene Roddenberry.
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